General Rules of Seamanship

General Rules of Seamanship

There are other rules for safety boating, these are called

 “General Rules of Seamanship” which are:

  1. Always cross waves at right angles.
  1. When caught in heavy water, head your boat either directly into the waves or at a slight angle. Reduce your speed but maintain enough power to maneuver your boat safely.
  1. Keep your speed under control. Respect the rights of boats engaged in fishing, swimming, water skiing, or diving. Give them a “wide berth”.
  1. When meeting a boat head–on, keep to the right whenever possible.
  1. When two boats cross, the boat to the right or starboard has the right of way. So, you must reduce speed ant let it pass first.
  1. When overtaking or passing, the boat being passed has the right of way and you should be aware of other boat changing course at last minute.
  1. If a bigger boat at high speed passes you nearby, reduce speed immediately to reduce wave jumping left behind.
  1. At night if a boat is coming head on, navigation lights should be aligned the same “green-green” on both boats sides.
When entering a port at night, check entrance buoys colors “red-green” and keep your boat navigation lights aligned the same color with buoys lights side by side.
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